
Functions of the West Virginia Christmas Tree Organization

  • To develop, for the benefit of the Christmas tree growers of West Virginia, and those interested in this activity, an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, and to plan cooperative efforts which will aid in the production and marketing of Christmas trees.
  • To maintain a high level of ethical behavior among the Christmas tree growers and sellers by practicing the “Code of Ethics for “Christmas Tree Growers” as adopted at the annual meeting in 1956.
  • To affiliate and cooperate with the National Christmas Tree Association, and to cooperate with other organizations interested in the development of the Christmas tree industry.
  • To promote such governmental activities as will benefit the Christmas tree industry.


  • The membership of this association shall consist of the Active members who are actively engaged in growing Christmas trees or Christmas greenery in West Virginia or of those who are interested in the development of the industry in this state and who have paid their dues for the current year.
  • Applicants for the membership shall submit a request with one years dues to the Secretary-Treasurer, and may be accepted by the Secretary-Treasurer for the year in which the request is submitted. Applicants must be approved by the board of Directors before the membership can be granted in succeeding years.
  • If the membership is in two or more names or in the name of a company or partnership, only one vote shall be allowed for each such membership. In such memberships, only one person may vote or hold office per membership. One person shall be designated by those named in the membership to vote for the membership. If a dispute should occur, the Secretary-Treasurer may determine the voting member for such membership.


Functions of the West Virginia Christmas Tree Organization

  • To develop, for the benefit of the Christmas tree growers of West Virginia, and those interested in this activity, an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, and to plan cooperative efforts which will aid in the production and marketing of Christmas trees.
  • To maintain a high level of ethical behavior among the Christmas tree growers and sellers by practicing the “Code of Ethics for “Christmas Tree Growers” as adopted at the annual meeting in 1956.
  • To affiliate and cooperate with the National Christmas Tree Association, and to cooperate with other organizations interested in the development of the Christmas tree industry.
  • To promote such governmental activities as will benefit the Christmas tree industry.


  • The membership of this association shall consist of the Active members who are actively engaged in growing Christmas trees or Christmas greenery in West Virginia or of those who are interested in the development of the industry in this state and who have paid their dues for the current year.
  • Applicants for the membership shall submit a request with one years dues to the Secretary-Treasurer, and may be accepted by the Secretary-Treasurer for the year in which the request is submitted. Applicants must be approved by the board of Directors before the membership can be granted in succeeding years.
  • If the membership is in two or more names or in the name of a company or partnership, only one vote shall be allowed for each such membership. In such memberships, only one person may vote or hold office per membership. One person shall be designated by those named in the membership to vote for the membership. If a dispute should occur, the Secretary-Treasurer may determine the voting member for such membership.